
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Reflection: Weeks 1-7

The first half of this class has taught me so much and really gotten me invested in issues happening in our environment.  I think the topics concerning food production and distribution have shocked me the most, and really made me think about my choices.
Watching the documentaries Fresh and The Future of Food might have been my favorite parts so far, along with the discussions that followed each.  The things I learn and the questions they raised stuck with me for hours after I left class.  I even called my best friend after "The Future of Food" and rambled about GM food for a while!

Also, the Huna principles we've been learning about have been very cool.  I've enjoyed all of them, but one has really stood out so far.  The first one we discussed, Ike: The world is what you think it is.  I've caught myself telling others about it, and also repeating it to myself.  This semester, mostly month of October, has presented me with a lot of challenges and opportunities to grow - ones that were scary and totally out of my comfort zone.  I usually try to be a positive person, but sometimes it's hard when it comes to my own problems or road blocks.  It's easy to help a friend or family member see the positives in their issues or situations, but much harder for yourself.  This concept of 'making the world what I want it to be' has opened even another door in that positivity I'm trying to apply to my life.
I'm excited to keep learning about our environment, making changes in my life, and doing the junk project!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Eye Opener: Junk on the Brain

1. Defining the following terms:

  • antiques/antiquing (found through a Google search of "define antiques" and "define antiquing" - definition is the first listing):
    • Verb: Make (something) resemble an antique by artificial means. 
    • Noun: A collectible object such as a piece of furniture or work of art that has a high value because of its considerable age.
    • And antiquing is shopping in stores where antiques are sold.
  • junk/junking (found through the same Google process):
    • Noun: Old or discarded articles that are considered useless or of little value. A flat-bottomed sailing vessel typical in China and the East Indies, with a prominent stem, a high stern, and lugsails. 
    • Verb: Discard or abandon unceremoniously.
    • Also a funnier, more "hip" definition found here at Urban Dictionary
    • Junking is defined as "Discard or abandon unceremoniously."  
  • flea market:
    • A flea market is a place where used or second-hand items are sold or traded. It can indoors, outdoors, big or small. Often includes food stands. 
  • thrift shop:
    • Savers is an example
    • A place to find used, donated items such as clothes and household supplies. 
    • A definition offered here
  • upcycling:
    • "Upcycling is the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value." found here
    • Popular with crafters (like me!)
    • Turning something you would normally throw out into something new!
  • resale shop:
    • "A charity shop, thrift shop, thrift store, hospice shop (U.S., Canada), resale shop (when not meaning consignment shop [U.S.]) or op shop (Australia/N.Z.) (from "opportunity shop") is a retail establishment operated by a charitable organization for the purpose of fundraising." -what came up when I Googled "define resale shop"
    • Another site said that any shop that sells gently-used goods are resale shops.
Part 2:
  1. The above terms have a lot to do with environmental health! They are all about saving things from ending up in dumps and polluting our planet. Instead, using them for new things! Reduce, REUSE, Recycle!
  2. Local Resources:
    1. Antiques: (for some reason I can't get the above picture to follow the "antiques"....). A quick Google search for "antique shops in duluth mn" produced all of those results! 
    2. Junk: Sweet Salvage - Buffalo, MN. Found here.
    3. Flea Market: Flea Portal lists different flea markets happening near Duluth.
    4. Thrift Shop: I love shopping at Value Village
    5. Upcycling: Sewing old clothes at Do It Green Minnesota
    6. Resale: Turn Style consignment shops.
  3. I do reuse and recycle things! I love to craft, and a lot of times that includes using stuff I already have. I love making mittens out of old sweaters I get for cheap at Savers. I've also made a wreath from an old sweater. Usually re-using things is a lot more budget friendly too, which is helpful to a college student like me!
Part 3:

  1. Junk Market
    1. A sign about wine. Honestly, I love wine. And I love funny little signs. Looks easy enough..
    2. A "junkmarket bride". I'm that classic girl who has been dreaming of her wedding for years, even though it's years away. I like unique and budget-friendly ideas.
    3. AWESOME - for sure going into my future yard!! Looks so comfy and fun and relaxing :)