
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Advocacy Project: Letter to Elected Official

Dec. 11th, 2011
Senator Amy Klobuchar
U.S. Senate
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Vote yes on amendment H.AMDT.631.

I am writing to encourage you to vote yes on the amendment to the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act.  The purity of our drinking water in vital to the health of every community, especially in our schools. By requiring a report on water, we will be ensuring that our children are safe from lead.

As a health educator and community member, this issue is important to me.  Lead can cause many negative health conditions ranging from upset stomachs, to brain and memory damage.  It can seep into our drinking water from old pipes used to carry and distribute water.  Many of our older school buildings could easily contain such pipes, and lead could be slowly damaging the children, staff and parents who come in contact with the water.

Others may think that testing and repair if our school's water and pipes is too costly.  Or that the health concern isn't really there.  But can we really put a price on the health of our children and community members?  Lead poisoning is very real, and very serious, and we should do everything we can to protect our future from it.

Thank you for your time.  If you want any further information, or have and questions, please don't hesitate to call me at 321-555-1234.  Again, I encourage you to vote yes for this amendment.

Sierra Wilson-Beckman


  1. Great letter. Very direct and too the point. Makes it easy to understand your point.

  2. This is a really important topic right now. I'm glad you picked this to do the advocacy project on. Good Job!


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